1. FOOD - some snack and lunch ideas PBJ's Bagels, tortilla ham, and cheese wraps, sting cheese, cut up carrots, grapes, fruit snacks, crackers, granola bars, and trail mix
2. WATER - Little guys get dehydrated easy so make sure to bring plenty
3. WEAR THE RIGHT SHOES - If there is going to be water or mud near the trail you might want an extra pair of shoes for the little one I know my guy is attracted to the mud. I like to have a pair of saddles waiting for me in the car so my feet can breath after a hike.

4. Keep on the look out for interesting things on the trail such as ferns, bugs, holes and critters
5. CAMERA - bring a camera or just use your phone.
6. ADVENTURE PACK - some ideas for the adventure pack play binoculars, play compass, favorite small toy, books related to outdoors, kids camera, bug catcher, magnifying glass, water bottle and one snack item. Normally my son has a pack with a water bottle and snacks

7. PLAY GAMES & SING SONGS, monster-jumping-out-from-behind-a-bush, find-the-hidden-trail, ants go marching two-by-two—you name it. Almost any silly antic will distract young hikers from remembering how hungry, tired, or bored they are.
8. LENGTH - When choosing the length of the hike pick one that is suitable for the youngest hiker
9. REMEMBER WHY YOU'RE THERE - You’re there to hike with kids. Outside, in the fresh air, for fun.
10. CARRIER - If you plan on doing a hike that may be a little to difficult for the little legs that are with a carrier will help you complete the hike.
11. BRING FRIENDS- Hiking with friends always makes the a hike fun and a great way to share an experience. I noticed that when hiking with friends my son is distracted by the friends and is willing to go longer.
12. CHOOSING A HIKE - Pick a hike with something interesting to hike to such as a lake, river, or waterfall.
13. LAYER UP - kids get hot quickly but they also cool down in the shadows pretty quickly too.

14. STICK - Don't forget to find a stick it can and maybe used as a walking stick, pointing stick a magic wand or even a sword.
BONUS TIP - Just have fun exploring and don't worry about the destination.
Keeping Kids Entertained on the Trail
If you are hiking on Federal or State lands you may need to get a pass in Washington here are some of the most common passes used
Passes for Hiking